Company Overview

Kubota Rice Industry (HAWAII) Company's Strategy


The world is currently faced with many problems in the areas of food, water and the environment, which are all the areas essential for human life.
The Kubota Group manages its business to contribute to the solution of those problems globally.

Kubota Rice Industry (HAWAII) focuses on the area of food and particularly on rice. It was established in 2013 for the purpose of expanding overseas demand, which is a major issue for Japanese agriculture.
By installing full-scale rice milling equipment in Hawaii, where the Japanese food culture has already spread, we will make it possible to construct supply systems and product management systems that are comparable to those in Japan thus safer and high quality rice could be supplied.

Furthermore, as professionals with a thorough knowledge in rice, we will offer information on how to consume the rice deliciously and we will investigate and research the best supply methods to meet the requirements in Hawaii. In doing so, we will work to spread awareness of the deliciousness of Japanese rice to a wide range of people.

Company Overview

Company Name Kubota Rice Industry (Hawaii) Inc.
Established April 6, 2023
Address 439 Kalihi St, Honolulu, HI 96819
FAX (808) 570 0105
Representative Takushi Suminaka
Capital US$1,000,000
Investment Ratio Kubota North America Corporation 100%

Message from the President

The food sector is essential for human life, but it is currently faced with various challenges around the world. Whilst it is predicted that population increase and climate change will lead to increasingly severe food shortages, there are also issues such as the effects of environmental pollution due to industrialization and food safety problems arising due to the pursuit of profits.

The land area of Japan is suitable for the production of safe and delicious farm products. This has been made possible by the natural environment, the techniques that have been developed so far and, more than anything, by the enthusiasm and love of the producers. I believe that Japanese agricultural products (and especially rice as the representative example of those products) could become powerful exports.

The management philosophy for our company is “Using products, technologies and services that support the foundations of a prosperous life and society to contribute to social development and the protection of the global environment.” Based on this philosophy, we have positioned food safety as our most important theme. In Hawaii, where the Japanese food culture has already spread, we will work to construct management systems and supply systems that are comparable to those in Japan in order to spread awareness of the safety and genuine deliciousness of Japanese rice. In doing so, we will work for the revitalization of Japanese agriculture and for its sound growth in the future, as well as working to solve the food problems being experienced globally.

Please do try our rice, which the farmers have grown them with their utmost care.